Final Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Student Aid Report

June 15, 2021

This notice serves as the final public report regarding the student support grants as all funds have been distributed in the form of direct cash grants.

Benedictine College signed and returned the Recipient’s Funding Certification and Agreement for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.  Benedictine College received a total allocation of $2,118,571. Benedictine College used $1,408,323 from its total allocation for institutional support and distributed $710,248 in direct cash grants to eligible students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to COVID-19.  These grants can be used by students for educational costs such as tuition, food, housing, health care, or child care.

Student Support

As of March 25, 2021, Benedictine College has distributed $710,248.00 in direct cash grants to 653 eligible participants.

Method to determine student support awards

Benedictine College estimates that 1,407 students were eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965. In an effort to expedite the distribution of aid, Benedictine College required a completed FAFSA at the time of distribution to be eligible for funding. As of June 18, 2020, 653 students received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant.

Benedictine College prioritized eligible students with exceptional need, particularly those students who receive a Federal Pell Grant. Using the federal methodology established by the US Department of Education to calculate financial need, Benedictine College identified 663 students with a financial need level of $30,000 or greater and established seven financial need tiers.

Amount distributed and number of students who received funds

Need Level
Amount Distributed
Number of students who received funds
Tier 1
Need greater than $47,000
Tier 2
Need between $46,000-$47,000
Tier 3
Need between $45,000-$45,999
Tier 4
Need between $44,000-$44,999
Tier 5
Need between $42,300-$43,999
Tier 6
Need between $40,000-$42,299
Tier 7
Need between $30,000-$30,999

Notice to eligible students

Channel: Letter

March 10, 2021

«First» «Last»
«City», «ST» «ZIP»

Dear «First»,

This letter is being sent to you regarding the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II) authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), signed into law by President Donald J. Trump on Dec. 27, 2020. Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL’s) have been granted funds in support of education, which includes funding for distribution to students. The intent of the CRRSAA was for IHL’s to target students with exceptional need, such as (but not limited to) Pell grant recipients for these distributions.

Based upon criteria for determining student financial need, you have been deemed eligible to receive a distribution from the College’s HEERF II funds in the amount of «Amount».

To complete the distribution process, you are required to complete the HEERF II Distribution Authorization form, which you can access electronically at Due date for submitting this form to the College is March 22, 2021. This form will instruct the College to disburse the funds to you in the manner of your choosing, based upon any of the following scenarios:

  • I request to have my distribution funds applied to the unpaid balance of my student billing account. If the account becomes paid in full, I am directing Benedictine College to apply these funds toward future educational charges I will incur for the upcoming academic term.
  • I request to have my distribution funds applied to the unpaid balance of my student billing account. If the account becomes paid in full, I am directing Benedictine College to refund* the remaining funds directly to me.
  • Regardless of the status of my student billing account, I request to have the distribution funds refunded* to me.

* Refund requests will be issued electronically (eRefund) using the information currently on file with the Benedictine College Business Office. If the student does not have eRefund account information on file with the College, the refund will be issued in the form of a paper check and mailed to the home address on file for the student.

Congratulations on be selected to receive a portion of the HEERF II funds provided to Benedictine College. We hope these funds will be helpful to you in this time of uncertainty brought on by the pandemic. God Bless! Go Ravens!

Students with no balance

Channel: Email

The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II) is authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), signed into law by President Donald J. Trump on Dec. 27, 2020. Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL’s) have been granted funds in support of education, which includes funding for distribution to students. The intent of the CRRSAA was for IHL’s to target students with exceptional need, such as (but not limited to) Pell grant recipients for these distributions.

Benedictine College has reviewed student financial aid eligibility for the 2020-21 academic year. Based upon the eligibility criteria set forth by the College, you have been deemed eligible to receive a distribution from the College’s HEERF II funds. The amount of your distribution is available for you to view via the “Pay My Bill” link on your RavenZone. These funds are available for you to use toward your educational expenses to attend Benedictine College.

It has been identified that the balance on your Student Billing account is paid in full. Here are the available options for your distribution (please review all options):

  • Your distribution may be retained on the Student Billing account to be applied toward education charges for the upcoming Summer or Fall terms. (Submit FORM)
  • The funds will be distributed to the student within 14 days of this notice, utilizing either eRefund or paper check, as established on the student’s account (NO FORM NEEDED). If you wish to utilize this option, please contact the Business Office to avoid delays in processing your refund.

Congratulations on be selected to receive a portion of the HEERF II funds provided to Benedictine College. We hope these funds will be helpful to you in this time of uncertainty brought on by the pandemic. God Bless! Go Ravens!

Students with a balance

Channel: Email

The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II) is authorized by the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), signed into law by President Donald J. Trump on Dec. 27, 2020. Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL’s) have been granted funds in support of education, which includes funding for distribution to students. The intent of the CRRSAA was for IHL’s to target students with exceptional need, such as (but not limited to) Pell grant recipients for these distributions.

Benedictine College has reviewed student financial aid eligibility for the 2020-21 academic year. Based upon the eligibility criteria set forth by the College, you have been deemed eligible to receive a distribution from the College’s HEERF II funds. The amount of your distribution is available for you to view via the “Pay My Bill” link on your RavenZone. These funds are available for you to use toward your educational expenses to attend Benedictine College.

It has been identified that you have a current balance remaining on your Student Billing account. Here are the available options for your distribution (please review all options):

  • Apply the distribution toward the outstanding balance. If the distribution DOES NOT fulfill the outstanding balance, all other payment arrangements (i.e. payment plans) will be continued utilizing the new adjusted balance until paid in full. (Submit FORM)
  • Apply the distribution toward the outstanding balance. If the distribution DOES fulfill the outstanding balance, resulting in a credit balance, this amount may be retained on the Student Billing account to be applied toward education charges for the upcoming Summer or Fall terms. (Submit FORM)
  • Apply the distribution toward the outstanding balance. If the distribution DOES fulfill the outstanding balance, resulting in a credit balance, this amount may be reimbursed back to the student. (Submit FORM) The funds will be distributed to the student within 14 days of this notice, utilizing either eRefund or paper check, as established on the student’s account.
  • Do Not apply the distribution toward the outstanding balance. The funds will be distributed to the student within 14 days of this notice, utilizing either eRefund or paper check, as established on the student’s account (NO FORM NEEDED). Any/all existing payment arrangements (i.e. payment plans) will remain in place and payable until the outstanding balance is paid in full.

Congratulations on be selected to receive a portion of the HEERF II funds provided to Benedictine College. We hope these funds will be helpful to you in this time of uncertainty brought on by the pandemic. God Bless! Go Ravens!

Authorization Form HEERF II Distribution

I acknowledge that I have been duly notified by Benedictine College that I am to be the recipient of funds distributed by Benedictine College from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II) as authorized by the Corona Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), Public Law 116-260, signed into law by President Donald J. Trump on Dec. 27, 2020. As a recipient, I am directing Benedictine College to disburse the funds to me in manner of my choice: (Select response)

  • I request to have my distribution funds applied to the unpaid balance of my student billing account. If the account becomes paid in full, I am directing Benedictine College to apply these funds toward future educational charges I will incur for the upcoming academic term.
  • I request to have my distribution funds applied to the unpaid balance of my student billing account. If the account becomes paid in full, I am directing Benedictine College to refund the remaining funds directly to me.
  • Regardless of the status of my student billing account, I request to have the distribution funds refunded to me.

Refund requests will be issued electronically (eRefund) using the information currently on file with the Benedictine College Business Office. If the student does not have eRefund account information on file with the College, the refund will be issued in the form of a paper check and mailed to the home address on file for the student.

Student Name ________________

Student ID# ________________

Student Email ________________

Statement and FAQ


Benedictine College received $710,248 to distribute to students in direct cash grants for reimbursement of expenses incurred by the campus closure.

Benedictine College prioritized eligible students with exceptional need, particularly those students who receive a Federal Pell Grant. Using the federal methodology established by the US Department of Education to calculate financial need, Benedictine College identified 663 students with a financial need level of $30,000 or greater and established seven financial need tiers.

Below you will find a series of Frequently Asked Questions designed to help you understand our plan to distribute the student support grants from the Higher Education Emergency Relief Grant.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have heard about the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund. Is Benedictine participating in this program?
Yes, Benedictine did secure funds that will go directly to students as direct cash grants.

How much money did Benedictine receive in the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund for student support grants?
Benedictine College received $710,248.00 to distribute to students as direct cash grants.

What is the purpose of the grant?
The sole intent of these resources is to reimburse students for food, housing, technology, health care, and child-care expenses caused by the campus disruption.  These are the only federally approved expenses.

Are all students eligible for this grant?
No, not all students are eligible for this grant. Only students eligible to receive Title IV Federal Financial Aid may receive funding. Generally, U.S. citizens are eligible and international students are ineligible.

Will every eligible student receive this grant?
No, we prioritized students with the greatest demonstrated financial need.

How many students will receive funds?
We identified 663 students who will receive a direct cash grant.

Need Level
Amount Distributed
Number of students who received funds
Tier 1
Need greater than $47,000
Tier 2
Need between $46,000-$47,000
Tier 3
Need between $45,000-$45,999
Tier 4
Need between $44,000-$44,999
Tier 5
Need between $42,300-$43,999
Tier 6
Need between $40,000-$42,299
Tier 7
Need between $30,000-$30,999

How did you decide who will receive funding?
Benedictine College prioritized eligible students with exceptional need, particularly those students who receive a Federal Pell Grant. Using the federal methodology established by the US Department of Education to calculate financial need, Benedictine College identified 663 students with a financial need level of $30,000 or greater and established seven financial need tiers.

Is this a loan?
No, this is a direct cash grant that will not require repayment.

How can a student use this money?
It is up to the student to decide how to use the money.

Do students have to submit receipts to show how they used this money?
No, they do not need to submit receipts. This is a direct cash grant so they can decide how to best use this money.

Can Benedictine simply apply this as a credit toward a student’s billing account?
No. Due to federal regulations, we are unable to apply the funds directly to a student billing account to address an outstanding balance. However, students may submit a payment to their account with these funds to resolve an existing balance.